- Lakshmana's anger at Rama being exiled and not getting the crown is admirable, I think! Even if he did go a little overboard with it
- Sita's determination to stay by Rama's side is awesome! Seems like the first positive depiction of women (53)
- Again, not the usual kinds of conflicts you would expect. Although the one wife was able to get what she wanted, Bharatha was innocent and did not want to rule the kingdom. To be wanting the kingdom for his brother is unlike what you would normally see in a story like this
- "You are the soul. I am the body. We are one" (62)
- Jatayu - divinity in eagle form
- I don't trust this Kamavalli character
- This encounter between Rama, Kamavalli and Sita in the forest is just funny. I can picture the two inside the fence and the one on the outside, the latter desperately trying to deceive and win over Rama (67)
- This chick has it bad - Rama must be really handsome
- Ravana banishes all the seasons - (77)
- Lakshmana seems to be the voice of reason here; he can see past the trickery of the golden deer
- Is it wrong that I feel like Sita kind of had this coming? I mean, she should have listened to Lakshmana!

Ravana kidnapping Sita (Source)
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